Faith Formation

Seeds planted and growing
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

Page updated 21 Mar 2024

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Children & Youth

Sunday school is available for pre-school and elementary children. The program for older children and youth is being re-assessed as we continue to work our way out of the COVID pandemic. Confirmation classes for youth are provided in concert with New England Glow (see below).

"New England GLOW" in neon letters

Our congregation helped organize New England Glow, a joint youth fellowship program for churches across New England. The goal of New England Glow is to provide a safe, joyful space for youth to be themselves, take risks, grow in faith and explore how faith becomes loving, life-giving and liberating actions in our churches, communities and around the world. Activities include game and movie nights, Bible studies, service projects, confirmation classes, and more. Visit the New England Glow website or their Facebook page for information on upcoming events and activities.

Back of SUV packed with bags of warm clothing
Warm clothing on the way to Common Cathedral

We encourage youth to participate in worship leadership as lay worship assistants. Our youth have participated in a warm clothing drive for those served by Common Cathedral, an outdoor church for people in Boston without housing. The youth also participated in the the Souper Bowl of Caring by helping to collect food for the Burlington Food Pantry. For their service project, the Confirmation Class of 2022-23 donated birthday boxes to the Birthday-in-a-Box Program that provides a party box and birthday gifts for children and youth experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity so they are able to celebrate their special day.

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Safe Child & Youth Policy

Children are a gift from God. Leaders of programs for children and youth in our congregation are responsible for demonstrating God’s loving care. Leaders must follow guidelines of the congregation, providing appropriate supervision of children and youth.

The goal of our Safe Child & Youth Policy is to ensure that we provide a safe place for children and youth to be nurtured in Christian faith. The Policy also provides guidance on how to respond to an allegation of child abuse, being sensitive to the needs of the child and the accused in a manner befitting a Christian community.

Our Safe Child & Youth Policy is a comprehensive document that you can access here. Some key provisions of the Policy are summarized below:

  • All church staff and volunteers who work with children and youth must be evaluated by a screening committee and approved by the church session
  • The evaluation includes a Massachusetts CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) background check, updated every 3 years
  • At least every 3 years, all those who work with children and youth must receive training on the Policy, including how to recognize child abuse or neglect, within or outside the church and their responsibilities as mandated reporters
  • Two adults or one adult and a youth aide must be present for all group activities involving children or youth, whether in person or virtually. At least one adult must be screened and trained. Any activity or class lacking two leaders will be canceled.
  • Identifiable photos/videos of children/youth shall not be posted on social media or websites without the written consent of the youth and parent/guardian. Children shall not be identified by name on social media or websites.
  • Permission slips are required for any off-site activities
  • No food will be given to any child without the prior permission of that child’s parents or guardians due to potential food allergies the child may have.
  • Detailed instructions and responsibilities are provided for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect to civil and church authorities
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Women’s Bible Study

Women's Bible Study members posing for group photo

Our Women’s Bible Study group meets at the church on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am. All women are invited to attend! In addition to growing in understanding God’s word, participants in the Women’s Bible Study group enjoy fellowship together and uplift one another in prayer in a small group setting. If you are not able to attend in person, you can join in the weekly Women’s Bible Study using this Zoom link.

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Camp Wilmot

Young campers dancing at Camp Wilmot

Camp Wilmot is a Presbyterian-supported camp in New Hampshire, a bit less than 2 hours North of Boston. The camp features ~200 acres of wooded areas, a beautiful field, and a pond. Camps offered for families and for campers ages 8 to 16 give kids a chance to enjoy traditional camp activities and a personal connection to God in a technology-free environment. Check the Camp Wilmot website for details.

Campers leaning against building

During Youth Summer Camps an experienced team of staff, directors and counselors offer a program featuring a welcoming Christian curriculum with outdoor activities including hiking, archery, a ropes course, arts and crafts, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, and more!

Our church has a long history with Camp Wilmot, we’ve supported the camp with a new freezer for the kitchen, and scholarships to welcome children who might not otherwise be able to attend. Over the years, many of our youth have spent a week or two up in the woods, playing, praying, singing, and growing in faith.

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Daily Devotions

Personal devotions are an important aspect of faith formation. Here are some resources you may find useful for daily prayer and devotions:

d365: This is a short daily devotion designed for students but appropriate for anyone. The devotions are written by ministers, professors, students, teachers, missionaries, denominational leaders, and others who work with and care for students. Typically, an author writes on a single theme for one week. In these devotions, you will read honest struggles and questions, all in the context of real faith.

God Pause: Alumni of Luther Seminary provide brief daily devotions (scripture verse, reflection, and prayer) keyed to the weekly readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. You can sign-up to have the devotions delivered every morning to your email.

Online Daily Worship from the Iona Abbey: This interactive daily worship is taken from the Iona Abbey Worship Book.  From Monday to Saturday each week this service of Morning Prayer is said on Iona. Each day follows the same form but with different voices, songs, psalm, reading, and prayer of the day.

Northumbria Community Daily Prayer: The Northumbria Community provides a daily written service of morning prayer that includes prayers, scripture readings, and a brief meditation. Customized readings are provided for every day.

PC(USA) Daily Prayer App: This app for mobile devices (smartphones & tablets) combines services for daily prayer from “The Book of Common Worship” with daily Bible readings from the two-year daily lectionary (Android and I-Phone), and weekly readings from the three-year Revised Common Lectionary (I-Phone only). The app costs $2.99 to download; proceeds help pay for the development of additional updates and new features. Search for “PC(USA) Daily Prayer” on the iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon app stores. The latest update will be free for those who already have the app.

Daily Bible Readings: This page, based on readings from the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship, provides morning and evening psalms plus additional scripture readings for each day of the year in a 2-year cycle. Here is a link to audio podcasts of the daily readings from 2021 to 2022; the podcasts are no longer updated. Each day’s readings take between 10-20 minutes. Text is included if you want to read along. Or you can just listen, and let the Spirit take over from there.